"Greece-Italy 2014-2020", 1st Call for ordinary project proposals: Article 6 “Eligible Partnerships” Clarification

Δημοσίευση: 03-10-2016 09:43 | Προβολές: 681

Update 03/10/2016

1st Call for ordinary project proposals: Article 6 “Eligible Partnerships” Clarification

Following a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs of this site) that have been posed to the Managing Authority, the Monitoring Committee of the ETCP INTERREG V-A "Greece – Italy 2014-2020" decided via written procedure, the following clarification in article 6 of the 1st Call for Ordinary Proposals.

“In case of universities and research institutes the  limitation set in Article 6 of the 1st Call for Ordinary Proposals, that each applicant can participate as Lead beneficiary in no more than one project proposal per specific objective, is considered per specific objective and per department”.


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