2nd European Territorial Cooperation Conference: Launching the Programming Period 2014-2020 – The Challenge of Synergies

Δημοσίευση: 04-05-2015 15:35 | Προβολές: 621

The Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes is organizing the “2nd European Territorial Cooperation Conference: Launching the Programming Period 2014-2020 – The Challenge of Synergies”.

The conference will take place on 22nd & 23rd June 2015 in Thessaloniki, Greece.


This event will be the official launch of the INTERREG Programming Period 2014-2020. The goal of the Conference is to present the Interreg Programmes Greece is managing and to seek synergies and common ground for capitalization and to pave the way for the 1st Calls for Proposals.

Best regards,

On behalf of the Head of the MA, Mr. George Emmanuel


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