1st Call for Common Project Proposal (Interreg Greece-Italy 2021-2027)

Δημοσίευση: 22-12-2023 11:43 | Προβολές: 330
Έναρξη: 15-12-2023 |Λήξη: 31-01-2024

The Managing Authority of the Interreg Greece-Italy Programme is launching the 1st Call for Project Proposals of Common Projects, with a substantial budget of € 45 million.
Geographical coverage of the call extends to over 6 regions from 2 EU countries, namely Greece and Italy.
The EU financial support will range from € 900,000 to € 2.5 million per project. The EU contribution is 75% of the project total eligible costs and the project co-financing is 25% of the total eligible costs.
Within the 1st Call for Project Proposals, proposals can be submitted under the 3 Programme Priorities:

  • P1-Competitive & Smarter GR-IT area;
  • P2-Greener & Low Carbon GR-IT area;
  • P3-Social & Inclusive GR-IT area

and 8 Specific Objective:

  • RSO1.1-Research & Innovation capacities;
  • RSO1.2-Digitalisation;
  • RSO2.4-Climate change;
  • RSO2.6-Circular Economy;
  • RSO2.7-Protection of Nature & Biodiversity;
  • RSO4.2-Education, training & life-long learning;
  • RSO4.5-Health care;
  • RSO4.6-Culture & Sustainable Tourism, (as listed in §2 of ToR).

The description of Programme priorities and objectives, together with exemplary actions, is provided for in chapter 2 of the Interreg Programme (IP) available at the Programme website here, which defines the Programme strategy and intervention logic for Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy Programme 2021-2027 as adopted by the European Commission.


Stage A – Submission of Concept Note by the Lead Beneficiary
The present Call concerns Stage A – Submission of Concept Note by the Lead Beneficiary providing a summary of their proposal with specific implementation data (for more details on the procedure see §9 of ToR).
Apart from the submission of the Concept Note, it is suggested to all Beneficiaries – at their discretion – to sign a ‘Letter of Intent’ (see attached here). This document has no binding character and can be retained to the project proposal folder of the Lead Beneficiary for ensuring each Beneficiary’s interest and support to the project and the authorization to the LB to submit the project proposal.

The 1st Call for Project Proposals intends to select high quality cross-border projects, in which relevant institutions cooperate to make border regions more resilient to common challenges, find shared solutions in fields such as environment, research, education, transport, sustainable energy, tourism, health and more, and to exploit the untapped growth potential in border areas, while enhancing the cooperation process for the purposes of the overall harmonious development of the Union.


Potential Applicants, in order to understand the main features of the Call, develop their project ideas and draft their proposals, are encouraged to carefully read:

  • the Terms of Reference of the 1st Call for Project Proposals here;
  • the Concept Note here;
  • the Application Package / Supporting documents & guides here.



Applicants should send their questions electronically to the emails info@greece-italy.eu. All questions will be grouped and the answers will be uploaded at the website of the Programme.



The dates for the submission of the Concept Note via MIS are:

  •  from 15/12/2023 (start date for submission of proposals), time 09:00 Greek local time (CET+1)
  •  until 31/01/2024 (deadline for submission of proposals), time 14:00 Greek local time (CET+1) at the latest.


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