Δημοσίευση: 18-11-2011 13:53 | Προβολές: 746
    Συνημμένο Αρχείο 1
Mέγεθος: 191.97 KB :: Τύπος: Συμπιεσμένος φάκελος

The ENPI programme intends to support a Twinning Project with the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine entitled “Modernization of legislative standards and principles of education and training in line with the EU-Policy in Lifelong Learning"’ (Twinning ref.: UA11/ENP-PCA/SO33) in accordance with the attached project fiche.

The concerned institutions in your respective countries are invited to participate in providing us with proposals to implement the above-mentioned project. Please provide us with your proposals by e-mail to the Delegation, with copy to the Programme Administration Office - at the e-mail addresses specified below - before 19 December 2011 at 17:00 Kyiv time


Λήξεις Προθεσμιών τις Επόμενες 7 Ημέρες
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