COSME Call 2020 - Boosting the uptake of digitalisation, innovation and new technologies in tourism through transnational cooperation and capacity building

Δημοσίευση: 28-11-2020 19:33 | Προβολές: 502
Σημαντική Ημερομηνία: 11-02-2021



Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises



Types of action

Grant agreement

Deadline date: 11.02. 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time

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The general objective of the action is to boost the uptake of digitalisation and innovation by tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and capacity building.

The action aims at:

  • reinforcing transnational and cross-border cooperation, in particular integration of tourism businesses and stakeholders in transnational and inter-regional innovation ecosystems to enable smart and sustainable growth of tourism SMEs;
  • fostering SMEs’ capacity and skills to improve their use of new digital technologies, resulting in new business models in tourism;
  • fostering innovative solutions for improving tourism management and the tourism offer through cooperation within the tourism ecosystem, including public-private partnerships


Each consortium/network will directly support (including financial support) in total a minimum of 60 tourism SMEs from a minimum of three (3) eligible countries. The supported tourism SMEs can be established in the same country as a consortium member, but may also be established in different eligible countries from those in which the partners forming the consortium are established. The consortium shall also support a balanced number of tourism SMEs per country.

In the proposal each consortium has to:

  • identify the specific objectives of the project
  • define specific objectives to be achieved by tourism SMEs participating in the project.
  • design and implement transnational and cross-ecosystem support schemes including capacity building, knowledge transfer and scaling-up activities to enable the uptake of higher level digital and smart solutions, new technologies and innovation by tourism SMEs
  • select tourism SMEs to participate in the proposed support scheme benefitting from financial support.
  • provide financial support to the selected tourism SMEs
  • organise a simple but robust reporting system, through which SMEs involved will report to the project coordinator on their achievements


  • This action is to support the digital transformation of tourism entrepreneurs, particularly SMEs and start-ups, and boost innovation along the tourism value chain through the integration of tourism businesses and stakeholders in transnational and inter-regional innovation ecosystems as well as territorial partnerships and cooperation.
    The action will provide support to tourism SMEs and start-ups through among others, capacity building, training, coaching, technical assistance, prototyping, business matchmaking, financial advice, awareness raising.


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