FET Flagships show the way to the future EU research and innovation missions. Give your feedback by 3/4/18:

Δημοσίευση: 08-03-2018 15:21 | Προβολές: 687
    Mission Oriented Reseach Public Consultation- Fill me
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Pofessor Mariana Mazzucato presented her report entitled "Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union - A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth". This independent report, called by the European Commission for preparing the post-Horizon 2020 EU research and innovation framework programme, appeals for a so-called "mission-oriented EU research and innovation". It presents an insight in how research and innovation missions could create impact with societal relevance and how such missions can be designed and implemented.

Concerning the Future and Emerging (FET) Flagships, the report states that they "show a high degree of alignment with EU research and innovation missions. The experience from the current FET Flagships should prove valuable for designing and implementing future missions, and applying the selection criteria, implementation requirements and public engagement criterion proposed here could increase the impact and visibility of FET Flagship as future missions."

Professor Mazzucato's report is part of a set of contributions the Commission is taking into account for defining the next EU research and innovation framework programme. Setting European research and innovation missions with ambitious goals can inspire European citizens as well as all research and innovation stakeholders. It can also push the frontier for research and innovation, drive economic growth, and help solve some of our society's biggest challenges.

The report suggests the following criteria for selecting EU-missions. They must:

  • Be bold and inspirational, with wide societal relevance
  • Be ambitious, but with realistic research & innovation actions
  • Foster cross-disciplinary, cross-sectoral and cross-actor innovation
  • Set a clear direction: targeted, measureable and time-bound
  • Require multiple, bottom-up solutions

Find the consultation here : Onlineform

Have your say on future EU research and innovation missions

The European Commission is calling for feedback on the report through a survey addressed to research and innovation stakeholders and to the public. You can take part in the survey on this web page until 3 April 2018.


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