Public consultation on next EU Research & Innovation programme

Δημοσίευση: 24-01-2018 09:07 | Προβολές: 749
Public consultation on next EU Research & Innovation programme


Dear research and innovation stakeholders,

On 10 January 2018, the European Commission launched a series of public consultations clustered by key policy areas, in preparation for the EU's next long-term budget post-2020 (MFF). Citizens, organisations and businesses can give their views online until 8 March 2018.

The consultation on EU funds in the area of investment, research & innovation, SMEs and single market can be found here:

Your feedback is essential. This is THE moment to express your support, based on the EU added value of EU R&I programmes1, building on the success of Horizon 20202 and given the importance of research and innovation in extending the frontiers of knowledge, boosting Europe's productivity and competitiveness, addressing the grand societal challenges and sustaining our socio-economic model and values. It is important that these messages are clearly passed.

The public consultation on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020 received over 3500 replies - a strong signal of your interest. Please mobilise your networks so that we gather even more views for this important consultation. Let’s make “Foster research and innovation across the EU” (dedicated box in the consultation questionnaire) stand out as a clear priority for the future.

I would like to thank you in advance for your support and your feedback.

Robert-Jan Smits

See the signed copy of the letter.

1 See Annex 4 of 'LAB-FAB-APP: Investing in the European future we want', published in July 2017
2 COM(2018)2 - Horizon 2020 interim evaluation: maximising the impact of EU research and innovation


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