Environment - LIFE
Προθεσμία Υποβολής: 01-09-2010 (Έληξε)

Πρόγραμμα: LIFE+ (2007-2013)
Θεματική ενότητα: Όλες οι θεματικές ενότητες
Αρμόδιος Φορέας: European Commission

The fourth LIFE+ call for proposals has been published on 04 May 2010, with up to €243 million available for co-financing of projects under three headings: nature and biodiversity; environment policy and governance; and information and communication.

Project proposals should be sent to the relevant national authority no later than 01 September 2010. Thereafter, national authorities will send project proposals on to the European Commission by 04 October 2010, and the Commission will check the outline projects against the LIFE+ eligibility criteria and will assess proposals on the basis of the LIFE+ selection and award criteria. Final announcement of the projects chosen for funding is expected in July/August 2011, with projects starting at the earliest on 1 September 2011.

Project promoters are encouraged to make best use of the time available up to the deadline for submission of proposals to national authorities (01 September). Project proposals should be carefully checked to ensure that they are in line with all the criteria set out in the call documents.

Σύνδεσμοι:Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 04-06-2010 11:48


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