Πρόγραμμα: Interreg MED
Θεματική ενότητα: Όλες οι θεματικές ενότητες
Αρμόδιος Φορέας: Interreg MED
Interreg MED 2nd call for Modular projects is open
Jan 30, 2017
The Interreg MED Programme is pleased to inform you that the first call for Modular projects of the programming period 2014-2020 is now open to programme priority axes 1, 2 and 3.
Two different types of project are open:
- SINGLE-MODULE: open for testing (M2) and capitalising (M3) modules only
Multi-module projects M2+M3 will not be accepted for this call.
- INTEGRATED PROJECTS : studying (M1) + testing (M2) + capitalising (M3)
Integrated projects have to include all these modules.
For a detailed description of contents of programme specific objectives and types of projects, including information on possible actions, beneficiaries and target groups, please refer to the Programme key documents:
- the Interreg MED Cooperation Programme
- the Terms of Reference for each specific objective
- the Programme Manual
Under this call, each proposal has to be submitted to a single Programme specific objective. For the Axis 2, only integrated project proposals on specific objective 2.3 will be accepted. No other type of applications will be allowed.
The indicative ERDF allocation for this call is 65M€, i.e. :
- 35M€ for “integrated” projects
- 15M€ for M2 projects
- 15M€ M3 for M3 projects
The final allocation is subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Monitoring Committee.
The indicative IPA allocation for this call is 2,6M€; i.e. :
- 1,4M€ for “integrated” projects
- 1,2M€ for M2/M3 projects
The final allocation is subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Monitoring Committee
The indicative IPA allocation for this call is 3M€ (1M€ for each priority axis). The final allocation is subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Monitoring Committee. The availability of IPA funds is also subject to the signature of the Financing Agreement between the Interreg MED Programme Managing Authority, the European Commission and each one of the concerned IPA countries.
Proposals must be submitted electronically using the on-line monitoring tool of the Interreg MED Programme, SYNERGIE CTE. The system will be open from 30th January 2017 at 12:00 (Paris time) until 31st March, 12:00 (Paris time).
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 01-02-2017 09:35