Interreg V-A "Greece-Italy" Programme
Προθεσμία Υποβολής: 30-11-2016 (Έληξε)

Θεματική ενότητα: Όλες οι θεματικές ενότητες
Αρμόδιος Φορέας: Interreg MA "Greece-Italy"

Nέος οδηγός πληροφοριακού συστήματος (MIS) GR-IT 2014-2020

Aναρτήθηκε νέος οδηγός πληροφοριακού συστήματος (MIS) υποβολής προτάσεων στο διασυνοριακό πρόγραμμα Ελλάδα-Ιταλία 2014-2020.

Update 03/10/2016

1st Call for ordinary project proposals: Article 6 “Eligible Partnerships” Clarification

Following a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs of this site) that have been posed to the Managing Authority, the Monitoring Committee of the ETCP INTERREG V-A "Greece – Italy 2014-2020" decided via written procedure, the following clarification in article 6 of the 1st Call for Ordinary Proposals.


“In case of universities and research institutes the  limitation set in Article 6 of the 1st Call for Ordinary Proposals, that each applicant can participate as Lead beneficiary in no more than one project proposal per specific objective, is considered per specific objective and per department”.

Greece - Italy 2014-2020: The 1st Call for Ordinary Project Proposals is now open!



Info-days for the 1st Call for Ordinary Project Proposals

The 1st Call for Ordinary Project Proposals is now officially open and Info-days will be organized in both Greece and Italy.

The Info-days will be in the following cities:

  • Patra (Greece), on 06/09/2016. Find here the agenda of the event. Venue: "Αrchaeological Museum of Patras", National Road of Patras Athens 38-40, Patras. To register click here
  • Kefallinia (Greece), on 07/09/2016. Find here the agenda of the event. Venue: "Korgialenios Library of Argostoli" , Ilia Zervou Str. 12, 28100, Argostoli. To register click here
  • Ioannina (Greece), on 09/09/2016. Find here the agenda of the event. Venue: "Conference Center University of Ioannina Karolos Papoulias", University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina. To register click here

Interreg V-A "Greece-Italy" Programme

Total OP budget: 123,176,899 €

ERDF: 104,700,362 €


  • Central Macedonia
  • Ionian Islands
  • Western Greece
  • Sterea Ellada
  • Peloponnese
  • Attica
  • Southern Aegean
  • Crete
  • Puglia

Main objectives

The overall objective of the programme is to support strategic cross-border co-operation between Greece and Italy for a more prosperous and sustainable region across the Ionian Sea. Emphasis is placed upon the foundations of a dynamic economy that fosters smart, sustainable and inclusive growth with the goal of improving the quality of life of those living in the cross-border area.

Strategically, the programme will enhance innovation in a number of fields such as blue growth, tourism and culture, agro food and cultural and creative industries. The programme will achieve this by providing support to clusters, networks and incubators. The programme will ultimately provide a safer environment through the promotion of natural and cultural resources as well as land and sea safety measures. Complementary to this, the programme will also address issues related to climate change, sustainable mobility, employment and education in the cross-border area.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on the following three priorities:

  • "Innovation and competitiveness": Linking investments in Research and Innovation (R&I) and SMEs in order to build a strong export-based economy. A way to achieve this is to stimulate engagement in innovation among SMEs as these form the business base in the area covered with the programme. The programme specifically focuses on growth sectors with the highest potential for job creation such as agribusiness, blue growth, tourism, cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries.
  • "Integrated environmental management": Facilitating the development and implementation of common approaches to the management of the environment, supporting the promotion of cultural and natural heritage and fostering shared potentials and responsibilities in the field of environmental protection and risk prevention.
  • "Multimodal sustainable transport system": Promoting investments in response to the needs for better regional and cross-border connectivity in the area covered with the programme, accessibility to transport infrastructures, coordination of cross-border transport systems and procedures, the integration of regional, national and cross-border transportation planning, and the promotion of an efficient and environment-friendly mobility and transport system.

Expected results

  • Support of 20 structures and networks that innovate
  • Support of 15 knowledge-transfer structures and networks for SMEs
  • Launch of several projects that focus on preservation and promotion of the area through the sustainable use of existing natural and cultural heritage
  • Establishment of 12 cross-border structures and networks in the field of environmental technologies
  • Support of 10 cross-border structures and networks in sustainable maritime cross-border mobility and transport
  • Support of 5 structures and networks in the field of eco-friendly mobility and transport

Managing Authority of Interreg V-A "Greece-Italy" Programme


Tel.: (+30) 2310 469600



2nd Monitoring Committee meeting - Interreg Greece-Italy 2014-2020

The 2nd Monitoring Committee meeting of the ETCP Interreg V-A GREECE-ITALY 2014-2020 was held in Corfu on 9 and 10 June 2016.


1st Call for Project Proposals

Application Documents - Application Form

JS Rules of Procedure

Programme and Project Manual

Evaluation Procedure - Project Selection Criteria

Brief Minutes / Decisions

1st Day Minutes

2nd Day Minutes


1st Day Participants

2nd Day Participants




Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency

The Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency  is an Italian No profit organization based in Lecce  ( Apulia Region ) founded in March 2003, in the context of the European Programme, Cultural Heritage II.

It is a legally recognized no-profit association, registered in the Apulia Regional Register of Operators in the field of international partnership, cooperation and promotion of culture, social and natural heritage and in the General Register of Associations of Social Promotion.

Our founders are the Municipality of Lecce and the University of Salento, also ,since 2015, Euromed Agency become founder partner of the Apulia Creative Cluster.

The Euromed Agency works with organizations, institutions and individuals to solicit public and private actions in support of permanent policies which lead to the enhancement and protection of natural resources, cultural and tourism between society.

We are member of Anna Lindh Foundation Italian Network, an international organization that promotes cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science and communication, and now we are reference point for the development and management of high-profile educational and scientific projects and initiatives, aiming at supporting the development of a training system capable of intercepting innovative knowledge and, promoting, at the same time, cultural and social growth processes, capable to meet job market demands.

In 13 years of activity the Euromed Agency has presented and taken part to 22 Financed Community Grants. Please check our website and the attached file to see in how many Interreg IV C Greece Italy we have taken part as partner and lead partner in the last years.

As you might be informed,  next Interreg Greece Italy call is coming, so we are starting a brainstorming with few trusted partner to share project ideas that, we really hope, could see the light in a project proposal on this call.

Unfortunately we can take the lead only in one proposal, that we could discuss together,  but we also can give all our effort, as partner, on project drafting, budgeting and management. Our interests are on project ideas focus on natural and cultural heritage, tourism and social innovation.

So we really appreciate if we could start to work to a project partnership based on a common idea of development and future for our territories, bringing into project all our efforts and experiences.


Best Regards




Dott. Fabio Montefrancesco


Rapporti Istituzionali e Fund Raising


Ex Conservatorio Sant'Anna - Via G. Libertini, 1
73100 Lecce - ITALY
phone  +39.0832.682552-554 - fax +39.0832.682553

Mobile +39 3395047831

Fiscal code        93069360753
VAT number       03774820751

Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 24-06-2016 13:44


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