European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance - 2013
Προθεσμία Υποβολής: 05-11-2013 (Έληξε)

Πρόγραμμα: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP)
Θεματική ενότητα: Όλες οι θεματικές ενότητες
Αρμόδιος Φορέας: European Commission

The main objective of the call for proposals is to develop large-scale demonstrators of Copernicus and the European GNSS-based services.

The concept of large-scale demonstrators is a new approach for stimulating innovation. It provides regional or local authorities, with a tool to better link all public and private actors, notably industry, knowledge-based service providers, research institutions, regulators and users/citizens to share knowledge, contribute practical experience, and articulate their needs and competences.

At the same time, it offers a clear context and the appropriate incentives for successfully developing, testing and implementing new approaches in addressing specific challenges and problems. At the centre of large-scale demonstrators lies a staged approach that starts with the specific need or a vision for the future that is of importance to the area. It then works back from this challenge or policy objective to the potential technical and service innovation solutions and the corresponding support required.

This coherent approach focuses on finding solutions and systematically creating entrepreneurial pportunities for the wider use of innovative technologies, goods and services by involving a wide range of stakeholders, industries and technologies. The aim is to offer new and better ways of attracting new customers and better satisfying their changing needs. As a result, new competences may be shaped in the region leading to competitive advantages offering global market opportunities.

The concept of large-scale demonstrators is already being tested under the European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance.

For the purpose of this Call, a large-scale demonstrator will be required to:

1. Demonstrate how innovative, added-value services based on Copernicus and the European GNSS could address in an effective manner societal challenges. In this respect, the intention is to support the achievement of targets defined by the Europe 2020 strategy, supporting smart, inclusive and sustainable growth, while ensuring complementarity with the priorities foreseen under the future Horizon 2020 programme and to test the envisaged approach;

2. Demonstrate how innovative, added-value services based on Copernicus and the European GNSS could support the emergence of new industries in a region or metropolitan area. The potential for export of the developed services to other European regions must also be demonstrated. Take-up of Copernicus services should consider, at least, the already functioning projects stemming out of the 7th Framework Programme.

Each large-scale demonstrator can propose to tackle only one of activities (1) / (2) or both (1)+(2).

The large-scale demonstrator shall encourage activities with a strong and visible impact. It shall be based on a holistic approach that brings together a large number of regional innovation actors to create a favourable eco-system for innovative mobile services based on Copernicus and GNSS.

Regional and metropolitan governments and business communities are thus called upon to create supportive technical infrastructures and business conditions that facilitate the take-up of innovative services based on Copernicus and the European GNSS in a given region or metropolitan area, paving the way for their possible deployment in other regions.


Call text

Guide For Applicants

Model Grant Agreement

Clarifications - Questions and Answers

Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 16-10-2013 11:44


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