The basic idea of the "Improving Academic and Professional Education Capacity in Serbia in the area of Safety and Security (by means of strategic partnership with the EU)" project is that the academic education capacity in the countries in the process of joining the EU should be improved in order to meet new needs and challenges in Europe. The project can contribute to this problem by means of enhancing the capacity building in the field of academic and professional education in the area of Safety & Security.
The area is currently of a great interest and importance for Europe. The countries on the way of accession are playing a crucial role in this case, as the possible safety & security threats for the EU can easily have their ’’weak point’’ and/or ’’gateway’’ exactly in these countries (e.g. the terrorists misusing the ’’Balkan refugee route’’). On the other hand, the organizational and infrastructural capacity of these countries is often not well aligned with the one in the EU and one of the main reasons for this lack of alignment is often the suboptimal academic and professional educational capacity of these countries, in the area of safety & security.
More information is available here.