The project awarded funding by the DG Competition of the European Commission (2016-2018), HT: 4983, under the 2015 call for proposals “Training National Judges in EU Competition Law and Judicial Cooperation between National Judges in Competition Law". The project was developed and implemented by a consortium of five universities: The University of Insubria in Italy, the University of Warsaw in Poland, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Opatija in Croatia, the Ionian University in Greece and the University of Burgos in Spain. It aimed to improve the language skills of legal practitioners in EU Competition Law in order to promote uniform application of EU law and cooperation between Member States. The project consisted of three main stages: Introduction to the latest developments in EU Competition Law, introduction to multilingualism and the need for a multilingual approach to EU competition law and training to improve the language skills of participants in the English legal language.
The book Language and Law: The role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law was published by Springer International Publishing is the result of the project.